This one started out as an adventure in writing a synth pad - literally, "pad adventure". Somewhere along the way the name was mangled into Pasventure, which I kept!
The original inspiration came after watching a Venus Theory video on writing pads and drones. The initial synth pad used in the track was indeed created, using Arturia Pigments, using Venus Theory's advice. It's cool. I layered it up with more synths from UVI, Steinberg Retrologue, and Fred Poirer's Shivering Waves (from Pianobook).
For the lead piano part I used Dan Keen's Gentle Grand (again from Pianobook). It's a lovely piano, perhaps a touch too soft once this track gets going, but it sounds totally lovely at the start.
The strings are Spitfire Audio's stunningly lovely Appassionata Strings and the vocal textures are Orchestral Tools SINE Voices Synths. SINE Voices came out as a perfectly-timed freebie while I was working on the track and went straight into the DAW.
The drums are Groove Agent with.. no.. can't remember which kit. finally the bass is the nice, straightforward, Scarbee MM Base Amped from Native Instruments.
Effects-wise, the risers are from UVI's Whoosh. Audio processing uses Arturia Tape Mellow Fi and EFX Fragments, Dragonfly Hall Reverb, Baby Audio Crystalline (reverb), Dirt (to distort the kick drum), and then Ozone 10 does the master bus. Oh and various stock Steinberg EQs and compressors also feature.
All in all, I'm pleased with this. It has a nineties house vibe, which I didn't set out to create but I think speaks volumes about my formulative influences.
The video is a super-quick stitch together of some clips I shot at the beach on holiday. I dunno, think of some nineties holiday to Ibiza? No? I've never been either.
Enjoy : )